Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 445


hello babies and bunnies,

On Sundays, I usually like to treat myself and sleep in, but I got up at the crack of dawn today because, you see, the Easter Bunny, who always gets the credit for these things, gets a little help from me each year. FYI, this is a secret, so please don’t tell anybody.


Shortly after dawn I went outside and did what any good tabby would do. I hid eggs for the neighborhood children and kitty cats and filled them with the most delicious snacks — smoked trout biscuits, organic catnip mini-cookies, and, for a lucky few, deep-fried turkey nuggets.

My assistant said that children would rather have chocolates, jelly beans and peeps, but what does she know? I’m the gourmet cat after all.


I hope you’re having a lovely Easter, and that your day is filled with surprises and treats.

My love always,


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