Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and charm blog Mascot, Vol. 463


Tabs is traveling internationally this week (Toyko readers, you might catch a peek of him because he’s in Japan for a street style special for Vogue), but that doesn’t imply team Tabs the cat LLC gets to sit on their laurels. before he left, Tabs tasked me and Connor with finding him a new assistant/protege, and because he’s all about promoting the local economy, he specifically requested a local hire.

We’ve been incredibly busy scouting the regional talent, and so far the front-runner is this beautiful tabby (not as beautiful as Tabs, of course) named Harris, who lives down the street.


I scheduled an informal interview by the big yearn tree, and Harris arrived quickly on time.

He has comprehensive experience in numerous essential areas of the position, including posing, tummy flashing and appearing casually disinterested. He also has babysitting experience as well, which to me is a substantial plus.

Of course, Tabs has the final say, and knowing him, he’ll probably return from his trip and decide to keep the current team as is, because he’s fickle like that, but I’m going to push for at least part-time help from Harris.


I think he would be a terrific addition to our firm! What do you think?

The one and only! — world-renowned acclaimed kitty supermodel Tabs the Cat
Your friendly neighborhood charm addict(s),

Karen, Tabs and Connor (and maybe Harris)

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